Day 5

Day 5: Escape from Bobcat Cove to Rainbow Bridge

powell23.jpg (23287 bytes)The morning sun turquoise and pink colored water shimmering like jiggling Jell-O made an early swim seem a good idea. The exhilaration of the night's wild animal attack made Durango feel even one with nature. And so he swam with the fish as one of the school sans any of those human trappings like swimsuits. Does a Bobcat wear a coat as it skulks into the night? Does a Fish wear shorts? Durango thought not and so he swam free and unencumbered, gliding through the water, free of spirit free of heart free of clothes without a thought of self-consciousness regarding his Adam in Big Eden condition, until one of the moronic Simp Twins ruined the glow of the moment by loudly commenting that the water is so clear you can see everything, powell27.jpg (35979 bytes) every little itsy bitsy thing. Wanda and Lulu laughed. Durango thought they'd just been watching him swim. He was horrified to realize they'd been ogling his nether regions. Durango hurried out of the water, wrapped himself in a towel and climbed to the upper deck to dry in the warm sun. But Wanda and Lulu, apparently entranced by the Adonis-like spectacle, followed Durango aboveboard, double-teamed him, throwing his towel overboard with Durango quickly following. 

By midmorning we lifted anchor and were underway once more. On to Rainbow Bridge. That daunting destination that only days before Simp Twin Homer lamented at length would be impossible for us to reach. The boat ride up the main channel of Lake Powell continued to show scenic surprises to us. Thunder Mountain Houseboat, like a Disney ride on steroids.

powell21.jpg (22511 bytes)As we turned left at the Rainbow Bridge buoy and entered Rainbow Canyon the ride became its most exciting. The walls of the canyon narrowed in on  us. We met boats coming out, passing each other through narrow passages, the wake bouncing us towards the canyon walls. Pilot Big Ed remained steady on course. We anticipated Rainbow Bridge at every twist and turn of the canyon and suddenly there it was, looming larger than we had expected.

Big Ed practically parallel parked the boat with the same ease as parking a car on a street. As we secured the boat Lulu ran ahead to the restrooms.powell20.jpg (22019 bytes) We had never witnessed Lulu run at such high speed. Into the restrooms she ran. And then out she ran. Bad thing bad thing was the Lulu lament. We'd come to know what that meant. It was a real bad thing. A foul stench like a hundred Simp Twins with Mega-Flatus. Such an awful abomination at such a scenic National Monument.

powell22.jpg (34855 bytes)With Lulu now suppressing her natural urges we marched on toward Rainbow Bridge. Of course when some foreigners mistook Lulu for a Beauty Queen or Movie Star she was able to take time to pose for them. Even though on first site it seemed impressive it somehow was not saying Wonder of the World to Durango. Perhaps he was negativized by the foul stench of the toilets. But as we got closer Rainbow Bridge became more impressive. Eventually Durango decided while he didn't think it was a Wonder, Rainbow Bridge was definitely a Wow of the World.

powpen2.jpg (22847 bytes)After viewing the giant arch from every angle we traipsed back to the boat to start our float out of Rainbow Canyon. As we sped out, obeying the speed limit incoming tour boats not obeying the speed limit causing tidal waves of wakes that crashed into the houseboat and flooded the floor. It was fun. 

We reached the main channel. The Simp Twins were determined to find a good fishing spot. They seemed to be passing one good boat docking site after another. Finally Jack had had enough and he decided to descend down into the Captain Queeg-like madness that had become our Pilot Room. Jack returned topside ready to mutiny, complaining it was impossible to communicate with the Simp Twins, that they were in some intense pathological netherworld not accessible to him. Durango decided to go down to the Pilot Room to see if it was as bad as Jack made it sound. It was.

Homer yapped non-stop gibberish about things he was reading on the map working himself into a manic/fever state trying to match the map to the scenic reality unfolding before him. Twin Big Ed was being just as wacky, as if their twisted twin synergy had taken over. Durango was unable to powpen3.jpg (20180 bytes) break through with any sort of human communicative contact. And so he returned topside to announce that the Normals had lost control of the boat to the Nuts. A discussion of mutiny began, a consensus was reached that we needed to remove Simp Twin Homer from being part of the boat guiding process. The twins had to be separated. It was well remembered that just 36 hours prior Homer had held us all hostage in the housekeeping unit as he boorishly insisted for over 2 hours that there was no way we could make it all the way to Rainbow Bridge. It was now scarily apparent to all that there was a total disconnect between Homer's words and any given day's reality. Something had to be done. We decided that Homer's long-suffering wife, Wanda, was the perfect foil for the job. Wanda was sent down to the boiler room to say how badly she wanted to stop at a nice place, early, so we could enjoy it. Next Lulu was sent down to begin preparing her delicious ribs. The food diversion worked. Once the smell of food cooking filled the cabin the Simp Twins switched their focus to food. And finally we were able to force them to listen. At least for awhile.

We soon settled on what became known as Skull Cove just up the juncture where the San Juan River joins Lake Powell. As the ribs cooked Durango took off on a hike. He climbed atop the huge petrified sand dunes. And then onto the next higher one. Til finally he reached the highest. He was on a pinnacle. He could see in every direction. A cactus garden blossomed below him. Durango sat and relaxed. Happy to finally be away from the bizarre anxiously overwrought production that is any operation shepherded in any way by the Simp Twins. Durango sat in the lotus position, a low ommmmms slowly transcended his state of consciousness til he began to feel a surreal ethereal contentedness, his chakras were grounding, the orange and the brown and the red were fairly pulsating and the the purple haze and the blue glow and the white light and Durango was near bliss and one with the Universe. He was at peace. He was happy. Durango sat atop the world for he does now know how long and then he began to explore once more.

Durango climbed down the opposite side of the cliffs from where he had ascended. He lowered himself into a narrow chasm and then up another petrified dune and another pinnacle and from there he could see the houseboat far below. Because he had achieved peace of mind Durango was actually happy to see his fellow travelers. He hollered down at them. They hollered back. Durango started to head down. They began screaming at Durango, insulting, distracting angry words that bounced off the canyonpowell4.jpg (36860 bytes) walls echoing and repeating. The cacophony was scary, it was annoying, it made Durango nervous. What were they so excited about he wondered? Durango continued to climb down. The hollering grew louder. Durango felt in no danger, but feared the collective negative bellowing was going to infect his spirit with negative vibes and cause him to have an accident. So, Durango scurried back up the cliffs and then down to the houseboat the same way he came. As he returned he felt nothing but contempt for those namby pamby nimber pussers, til he looked up at the cliff he had been on when they were hollering. It did appear to be dangerous from the ground perspective. Durango quickly forgave his boatmates for yelling at him.

As the night grew darker Durango and Jack went swimming. It was kind of disgusting because the Simp Twins had had their first fish kill. Slaughtering it on the back deck. Blood and guts everywhere. Actually Big Ed caught powell7.jpg (23414 bytes) the fish. As usual Homer seemed to lack the attention span required to catch a fish. Wanda actually caught Homer's only fish. It was later estimated that Homer actually fished for a grand total of 10 minutes the entire time he was on Lake Powell. This 10 minutes of actual fishing was estimated to be approximately 5% of the total time he spent talking about fishing on Lake Powell prior to actually being there.

As the evening grew ever darker and the TV addicts seemed to be getting in the spirit of being alive in the Great Outdoors, staying up long enough to be scared by the big hulking simian form that hovered over us. Some of us thought it looked like a gorilla. Some of us thought it looked like a Bhudda. Some of us thought it looked like a simian/gorilla/Bhudda like person named Russell whom we all knew. But in the end it was decided it looked like a Skull.

And so night 2 on the Houseboat was spent at Skull Cove. Where would we be on night 3?

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